CO2 vs Nitrogen Tanks for Kegerators Explained

Welcome to a comprehensive guide explaining the difference between CO2 and nitrogen tanks for kegerators. Whether you're a homebrew enthusiast or in the beverage industry, understanding the benefits and uses of these gases is essential for achieving the perfect pour. Let's dive in and explore the unique properties of CO2 and nitrogen tanks, and how they can enhance your kegerator experience.
whats the difference in co2 and nitrogen tanks for kegerators
Create an image that showcases the differences between CO2 and nitrogen tanks for kegerators. Use contrasting colors and highlight the unique features of each tank. Show how CO2 is used for carbonation while nitrogen is used to give beer a smoother pour and creamier head. Make sure to include kegerator equipment in the image to emphasize the practical application of the tanks.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen are two gases commonly used in kegerators for dispensing beer. CO2, the most widely used gas in the beer industry, harnesses its natural fermentation properties and ability to add fizz to beer. It is stored in a gas cylinder and regulated using a pressure regulator. On the other hand, nitrogen is less soluble in liquids and is often used in combination with CO2 to create a beer gas mixture. Nitrogen creates smaller bubbles, resulting in a creamy texture and longer-lasting head. Nitrogen is also used for serving coffee.

Key Takeaways:

  • CO2 and nitrogen are commonly used gases in kegerators for beer dispensing.
  • CO2 adds carbonation and fizz to beer, while nitrogen creates a creamy texture and longer-lasting head.
  • Nitrogen is less soluble in liquids, which affects the carbonation level of the beer.
  • CO2 tanks are the most commonly used gas cylinders in kegerators, while nitrogen tanks are less common.
  • When choosing between CO2 and nitrogen tanks, consider the type of beverage you're dispensing and the desired flavors and textures.

CO2 Tanks for Kegerators

CO2 tanks are an essential component of kegerators, providing the carbonation necessary for perfect beer dispensing. These tanks are designed to store and regulate carbon dioxide, which is naturally produced during fermentation and contributes to the beer's refreshing fizz. As the most commonly used gas cylinders in kegerators, CO2 tanks play a crucial role in ensuring a consistent flow of carbonation and a satisfying beer-drinking experience.
CO2 tanks typically have a pressure rating of around 800 PSI (pounds per square inch). However, it's important to note that this high pressure needs to be regulated for proper beer dispensing. That's where the pressure regulator comes into play. This device helps monitor and maintain the pressure inside the keg, allowing for a controlled and consistent flow of CO2. With a reliable pressure regulator, you can ensure that every pour from your kegerator delivers a perfectly carbonated brew.
Not only are CO2 tanks essential for kegerators, but they are also widely used in kegging systems for storing and dispensing various carbonated beverages. Whether you're a homebrewer or a commercial brewery, CO2 tanks are a vital component in your setup, ensuring that your beer stays carbonated and ready to be enjoyed by beer enthusiasts.
Advantages of CO2 Tanks for Kegerators Considerations
1. Allow for carbonation of beer 1. Requires proper ventilation
2. Ensure consistent flow of carbonation 2. Pressure settings need to be carefully controlled
3. Suitable for kegging systems

Nitrogen Tanks for Kegerators

Nitrogen tanks are a less common choice for kegerators compared to CO2 tanks. Nitrogen, as a gas, is less soluble in liquids, which affects the carbonation level of the beer. However, it offers some unique benefits that make it popular among certain beer enthusiasts.
Nitrogen creates smaller bubbles compared to CO2, resulting in a smoother and creamier texture in the beer. This creaminess enhances the overall mouthfeel and contributes to a longer-lasting head. Nitrogen tanks are often used for serving nitrogen-infused beers and stouts, where a velvety texture and dense foam are desired.
Advantages of Nitrogen Tanks for Kegerators
The smaller bubbles created by nitrogen result in a creamier texture and longer-lasting head in beer.
Nitrogen tanks are commonly used for serving nitrogen-infused beers and stouts, enhancing their unique characteristics.
Nitrogen tanks are also used in coffee shops to serve nitrogen-brewed coffee, creating a smooth and velvety mouthfeel.
Nitrogen-infused beers and stouts can often be found on tap at specialty craft beer bars.
It's important to note that nitrogen tanks require a higher pressure to properly dispense the beverage. Typically, a pressure range of 25-30 PSI (pounds per square inch) is necessary to ensure a steady flow and optimal texture.
Nitrogen tanks for kegerators
Create an image of a kegerator with two nitrogen tanks attached to the back. One tank should be labeled with the chemical symbol for nitrogen (N) and the other should be labeled with the words "high pressure." The tanks should be connected to the kegerator through a series of hoses and valves, with one hose leading to a tap on the front of the kegerator. The image should convey a sense of industrial efficiency and precision through its clean lines and uniform colors.
Overall, nitrogen tanks offer a unique experience for beer enthusiasts looking to add a touch of creaminess and a longer-lasting head to their favorite brews. Whether you're enjoying a nitrogen-infused beer, a stout, or even a nitrogen-brewed coffee, nitrogen tanks can help enhance the flavors and textures of your beverages.

Beer Gas for Kegerators

Beer gas is a popular choice for kegerators, offering a unique combination of carbonation and texture. It is a mixture of CO2 and nitrogen, with the standard ratio being around 70:30. This blend is especially favored in large pubs and bars where long draught lines are necessary to transport beer over extended distances without excessive carbonation.
One of the advantages of beer gas is its ability to maintain the flavor and texture of the beer. The nitrogen component helps create smaller bubbles, resulting in a creamy texture and a longer-lasting head. This is particularly desirable when dispensing nitrous beers and stouts, as it enhances the overall drinking experience.
Using beer gas in kegerators requires a specialized setup. A gas blender is used to mix the appropriate ratio of CO2 and nitrogen. The blended gas is then delivered to the keg, ensuring the right level of carbonation and texture in the beer. This process allows beer enthusiasts to achieve the desired mouthfeel and presentation of their favorite brews.
beer gas
Visualize a kegerator with two tanks side by side: one labeled CO2 and the other labeled Nitrogen. The tanks are connected to the kegerator through tubes. The CO2 tank has a green hue and the nitrogen tank has a blue hue. Show the gases flowing from the tanks into the kegerator, creating bubbles in the beer inside. The bubbles should be big and abundant, highlighting the quality of the beer gas used.
When using beer gas, it is essential to monitor and regulate the pressure to achieve optimal results. Too much pressure can lead to excessive foam and overcarbonation, while too little pressure may result in a flat and lackluster beer. Proper pressure settings are crucial to strike the right balance and deliver a satisfying pour.

Advantages of Beer Gas:

  • Creates a creamy texture and longer-lasting head in beer
  • Preserves the flavor and characteristics of nitrous beers and stouts
  • Allows for longer draught lines without excessive carbonation
  • Enhances the overall drinking experience
In summary, beer gas offers a unique solution for kegerators, combining the best properties of CO2 and nitrogen. It enables beer enthusiasts to enjoy their favorite beers with the desired carbonation level, texture, and presentation. Whether you're serving nitrous beers, stouts, or simply looking for a more refined pour, beer gas is a valuable addition to any kegerator setup.

Pros and Cons of CO2 Tanks

CO2 tanks for kegerators offer several advantages when it comes to dispensing beer. Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of using CO2 in beer dispensers.

Advantages of CO2 Tanks

CO2 tanks allow for the storage of beer in kegs for a longer duration compared to oxygen-pumped kegs. The absence of oxygen in CO2 tanks helps prevent beer spoilage caused by oxidation, ensuring the freshness and quality of your brews. With CO2, you can confidently pour the first glass of beer without worrying about excessive foam. This means you can enjoy consistent quality from the very first pint.
"CO2 tanks provide longer storage life and ensure consistent quality from the first pint."
Furthermore, using CO2 for beer dispensing offers precise control over carbonation levels. By regulating the pressure settings, you can maintain the ideal level of carbonation, enhancing the taste and mouthfeel of the beer.

Disadvantages of CO2 Tanks

However, there are a few considerations when using CO2 tanks. First, proper ventilation is crucial to prevent any dangerous concentrations of CO2 gas. Adequate ventilation ensures a safe environment for both you and your kegerator. It's important to ensure that the area where your kegerator is located has sufficient airflow.
Additionally, keeping a close eye on pressure settings is essential when using CO2 tanks. Incorrect pressure settings can result in either under-carbonated or over-carbonated beer. It's important to regularly check and adjust the pressure to maintain the perfect carbonation level for optimal beer enjoyment.
Now that you are aware of the pros and cons, you can make an informed decision about whether CO2 tanks are the right choice for your kegerator setup.
Pros of CO2 Tanks Cons of CO2 Tanks
Allows longer storage life of beer Requires proper ventilation to prevent danger
Ensures consistent quality from the first pour Pressure settings need to be carefully controlled
Provides precise control over carbonation levels

Pros and Cons of Nitrogen Tanks

Nitrogen tanks offer unique advantages for beer dispensing in kegerators. The smaller bubbles created by nitrogen result in a creamier texture and longer-lasting head, enhancing the overall mouthfeel of the beer. Nitrogen is also commonly used for serving nitrogen-infused beers and coffee.
However, nitrogen is less soluble in liquids compared to CO2, which can affect the carbonation level of the beer. Nitrogen tanks require higher pressures for proper dispensing, and the special tap and restrictor plates may be needed to achieve the desired texture and head.
Advantages of Nitrogen Tanks for Kegerators Disadvantages of Nitrogen Tanks for Kegerators
  • Produces smaller bubbles
  • Creamier mouthfeel
  • Longer-lasting head
  • Ideal for nitrogen-infused beers and coffee
  • Less soluble in liquids
  • Affects carbonation level
  • Requires higher pressures
  • Special tap and restrictor plates may be needed

Choosing the Right Gas for Your Needs

When it comes to kegerators, the choice between CO2 and nitrogen tanks depends on your specific needs and the type of beverage you are dispensing. Let's explore the characteristics and benefits of each gas to help you make an informed decision.

CO2 Tanks for Kegerators

CO2 tanks are the most commonly used gas cylinders in kegerators. They are suitable for carbonating and dispensing most beers. CO2, a natural byproduct of fermentation, adds carbonation and fizz to the beer. With proper regulation using a pressure regulator, CO2 tanks maintain a consistent flow of gas for a properly carbonated brew.
Advantages of CO2 tanks:
  • Effective for carbonating and dispensing most beers
  • Naturally produced during fermentation
  • Regulated with a pressure regulator for consistent carbonation

Nitrogen Tanks for Kegerators

Nitrogen tanks, while less commonly used, offer unique advantages for specific beverages. Nitrogen creates smaller bubbles, resulting in a creamy texture and longer-lasting head. This makes it ideal for serving nitrogen-infused beers, stouts, and coffee.
Advantages of nitrogen tanks:
  • Enhances mouthfeel with a creamier texture and longer-lasting head
  • Preferred for nitrogen-infused beers, stouts, and coffee

Beer Gas for Kegerators

Beer gas is a combination of CO2 and nitrogen, usually in a ratio of 70:30. It is commonly used in pubs and bars with long draught lines, helping to maintain flavor and texture while preventing excessive carbonation. Beer gas is particularly popular for dispensing nitrous beers and stouts.
Key considerations when choosing the right gas:
  • Flavors and textures you want to achieve in your beverages
  • Type of beer or beverage you will be dispensing
By considering these factors, you can determine the best gas for your kegerator setup.
If you'd like to visually compare the characteristics of CO2 and nitrogen tanks, take a look at the table below:
CO2 Tanks Nitrogen Tanks
Commonly used for most beers Preferred for nitrogen-infused beers, stouts, and coffee
Carbonates and dispenses beer effectively Creates a creamier texture and longer-lasting head
Regulated with a pressure regulator Higher pressure required for proper dispensing
Remember, the choice between CO2 and nitrogen tanks ultimately depends on your specific needs and the beverages you plan to serve. Consider the flavors and textures you want to achieve in your beverages, and you'll be on your way to choosing the right gas for your kegerator.


In conclusion, when it comes to choosing between CO2 and nitrogen tanks for your kegerator, it ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences as a brewer. CO2 tanks are the go-to option for most beer dispensing situations. They provide natural fermentation properties and effectively carbonate beer, making them ideal for kegging and serving a wide range of beer styles. On the other hand, nitrogen tanks offer a distinct advantage in creating a creamier texture and longer-lasting head, which is particularly desirable for nitrogen-infused beers, stouts, and even coffee.
For a homebrew setup, it is essential to consider the flavors and textures you want to achieve in your beverages. If you're primarily brewing traditional carbonated beers, CO2 tanks are the reliable choice. However, if you're interested in experimenting with nitrogen-infused beers or coffee, adding a nitrogen tank to your kegerator can elevate the drinking experience with a velvety smoothness. You can even explore the versatility of beer gas, mixing CO2 and nitrogen in specific ratios to find the perfect balance for your desired carbonation level and texture.
Ultimately, the decision between CO2 and nitrogen tanks for kegerators comes down to personal taste, experimentation, and the specific beverages you plan to serve. Consider your brewing goals, the style of beer you love, and the texture you want to achieve in your homebrews. Keep in mind that both CO2 and nitrogen tanks have their unique advantages, and it's always exciting to try new techniques and gas combinations to take your homebrewing to the next level.


What is the difference between CO2 and nitrogen tanks for kegerators?

CO2 tanks contain carbon dioxide and are commonly used for carbonating and dispensing beer, while nitrogen tanks are less commonly used and are typically used for serving nitrogen-infused beers, stouts, and coffee.

How does a CO2 tank work in a kegerator?

A CO2 tank stores carbon dioxide, which is naturally produced during fermentation and adds carbonation to beer. It is regulated using a pressure regulator to maintain a consistent flow and carbonation level.

What are nitrogen tanks used for in kegerators?

Nitrogen tanks are used to provide a creamier texture and longer-lasting head in nitrogen-infused beers, stouts, and coffee. The smaller bubbles created by nitrogen enhance the mouthfeel of the beverage.

What is beer gas and when is it used in kegerators?

Beer gas is a mixture of CO2 and nitrogen that is used in kegerators. It is often used in large pubs and bars where long draught lines are needed to maintain beer quality and texture while minimizing excessive carbonation.

What are the advantages of using CO2 tanks in kegerators?

CO2 tanks allow for the storage of beer in kegs for longer durations, provide consistent quality from the first pint, and maintain the ideal carbonation level. However, proper ventilation is necessary to prevent dangerous gas concentrations.

What are the advantages of using nitrogen tanks in kegerators?

Nitrogen tanks create a creamier texture and longer-lasting head in beer, enhancing the overall mouthfeel of the beverage. They are also ideal for serving nitrogen-infused beers, stouts, and coffee.

How do I choose the right gas for my kegerator?

The choice between CO2 and nitrogen tanks depends on your specific needs and the type of beverage you are dispensing. CO2 is suitable for carbonating and dispensing most beers, while nitrogen is preferred for nitrogen-infused beers, stouts, and coffee.

What should I consider when setting up my kegerator?

When setting up your kegerator, consider the flavors and textures you want to achieve in your beverages. Determine whether CO2 or nitrogen is the best gas for your specific homebrew setup based on the desired carbonation level and texture.

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